

For liver dysfunction




SD-9 HEPA-PRO  (DROP) 20 ml

For liver dysfunction

  • Ingredients/Composition:

100 ml contain:

  • Lycopodium 8x
  • China Q
  • Cardus marianus Q
  • Leptandra vir 6x
  • Cynara 8x
  • Feltauri 8x
  • Galium apar Q
  • Indications
  • For all liver and gall bladder disorders specially hepatitis B,C and jaundice etc.


  • Dosage and administration:
    • If not differently prescribed adults take 20 drops three times a day. Children take 10 drops three times a day. For pediatric doses. Consult your health care practitioner.
    • One bottle containing 20 ml liquid for oral administration, containing the active ingredients in the strengths listed under description.
  • Warnings and Precautions:
    • If symptoms persist, contact a licensed health care practitioner. If you have known sensitivity to any of the ingredients, please consult your licensed health care practitioner before use. Keep out of reach of children.
  • Pack size:

20 ml liquid


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